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1. Empty or bitter risings.
2. Risings of food, and esp. of fat food.
3. Sour risings, esp. after a meal.
4. Pyrosis.
5. Hiccough after every movement.
6. Nausea, esp. in the morning, after a meal, or at night.
7. Continual nausea.
8. Flow of water from the stomach, like saliva, even in the night.
9. Vomiting of blood; of food in the evening.
10. Heaviness, fulness, and tension in the stomach.
11. Cramps in the stomach, contractive, or pressive and burning, with an accumulation of flatus, and great sensitiveness of the epigastrium.
12. Sensation of scraping and of trembling in the stomach.
13. The pains in the stomach are aggravated or renewed by fright, opposition, a chill, as well as after a meal, or at night, and esp. after having taken flatulent food, also by suckling.
14. Colic, with the sensation of a burning pressure; much flatulence and sensitiveness of the pit of the stomach.
15. Pressure at the pit of the stomach, as if the heart were going to be crushed, esp. in suckling women.
16. Pain in the hypochondria like that of a bruise, and esp. in the hepatic region, chiefly when it is touched.
17. Shooting pain under the ribs.
18. Tension, pressure, and shootings in the hepatic region.
19. Shootings in the spleen.
20. Pressure of the clothes on the hypochondria.
21. Pains in the umbilical region on its being touched.
22. Heaviness, fulness, inflation, and tension of the abdomen, with heat in the whole body.
23. Colic, produced by the motion of a carriage.
24. Pressure and cramps in the abdomen.
25. Pain in the abdomen, as from lifting a weight, or from dislocation.
26. Burning pain and great anguish in the abdomen.
27. Pinching in the abdomen, coming from the l. side and tending towards the r. side, with the sensation of paralytic weakness in the thigh.
28. Much flatulency, esp. after a meal, and sometimes with the sensation of torpor in the abdomen.
29. Flatulent, cramp-like colic, even at night.
30. Borborygmi and movements in the abdomen.
31. Excessive discharge of flatus, of a putrid smell.
32. Aggravation of abdominal sufferings after eating the smallest portion of food.
33. The pains in the abdomen are often accompanied by anxiety and tears.
34. He cannot bear any tight clothing around his waist and abdomen.
35. Salt taste in the mouth, and of food.
36. Want of appetite, or thirst, and immoderate hunger.
37. Chronic dislike of meat, milk, and fat.
38. Desire for salt food, or food sweetened with sugar.
39. Great desire for coffee.
40. After a meal, but esp. after taking milk, great inflation of the abdomen, acidity in the mouth, and sour risings.
41. Sweat, esp. during a meal.
42. Great heat after drinking wine.
43. After dinner, confusion of the head and pressure of the stomach, or headache, heaviness in the limbs, and mental anxiety.
44. Weakness of digestion; the plainest food inconveniences him.
45. Constipation.
46. Hard, tough, scanty stool.
47. Insufficient evacuations.
48. Difficult evacuations, without being hard, with straining, burning pain in the anus, and pains similar to those of parturition, in the abdomen.
49. Evacuations liquid, pale or mucus-like.
50. Discharges of mucus and of blood instead of fæces during the evacuation, with cries (in children).
51. Involuntary evacuations of substances of a putrid smell.
52. Discharge of blood from the anus with every evacuation.
53. After the evacuation, aching pain in the abdomen.
54. Large painful hæmorrhoidal tumors of a deep blue color at the anus.
55. Fluent hemorrhoids.
56. Shooting, itching, and burning pain in the anus.
57. Discharge from varices.
58. Discharge of tænia.
59. Discharge of a viscous and corrosive serum from the anus and rectum, esp. at night.
60. Excoriation and oozing at the perinæum.