Destructive nature of syphilis: ( 1st version) Head: • Hair falls out in bunches. Face: • The appearance of marasmus & the general look of a wrinkled. Mouth: • Leukoplakia with fungal infection. • Various ulcers in the oral cavity. Nose: • Degenerative & ulcerative conditions of the nose. •Read more
Destructive nature of syphilis: ( 1st version)
• Hair falls out in bunches.
• The appearance of marasmus & the general look of a wrinkled.
• Leukoplakia with fungal infection.
• Various ulcers in the oral cavity.
• Degenerative & ulcerative conditions of the nose.
• The nose may be flat depressed from ulcer or destruction of nasal septum or ulcer inside the nostrils.
• Scaly red lids. They are subject to all parts of structural changes & also corneal ulceration.
• Ulcerative otitis.
• Mastoiditis due to degenerative change in the auditory bones.
• Destruction of the tissues of long bones.
• Rickets in children.
• Delayed ossification & fragility of the bones.
• Caries & necrosis of bones.
• Osteomyelitis.
• Sarcoma.
Respiratory system:
• Ulcerative sore throat.
• Quinsy.
• Lung abscess.
• Ulcer in the respiratory passage.
• Ulcer & destructive types of cancer.
• Degeneration of hepatic cells.
• Dysentery.
Urinary organs:
• Structural change; fibrous growths.
• Bright’s diseases.
• Destructive or degenerative malignant tumors in the urinary system.
• Ulcerative & degenerative varieties of genital tumors.
• Erosion & ulceration of cervix & vulva.
• Alteration of rectal diseases with heart, chest, or lung troubles especially asthma or respiratory difficulties.
• Dysentery with blood & pus.
• Skin affections with glandular involvement.
• Suppurated pustular eruptions.
• Gangrene.
Syphilis diseases: syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium treponema pallidum. It produces infection only in humans. it is a systemic venereal disease, rarely transmission is by non-sexual contact. It has two phages: 1. Acquired syphilis. 2. Congenital syphilis. a) AcquiRead more
Syphilis diseases: syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium treponema pallidum. It produces infection only in humans. it is a systemic venereal disease, rarely transmission is by non-sexual contact. It has two phages:
1. Acquired syphilis.
2. Congenital syphilis.
a) Acquired syphilis: (it has three phages)
See less1. Primary stage of syphilis- usually develops 3 (2-10) weeks after contact with an infected individual. Hard chancer is formed at the site of contact (firm, non-tender, red popular lesion and ulcer formation).
2. The inflammation is characterized by lymphocytes, a large number of plasma cells, macrophages, and obliterative endarteritis. They spread to regional lymph nodes and seed the body via the blood. The chancer heals spontaneously (even without treatment).
3. Secondary stage of syphilis- it develops 2-10 weeks after primary chancre. Symptoms:
a) Fever.
b) Diffuse rash (palmar and solar rash).
c) White oral lessons.
d) Lymphadenopathy.
e) Condyloma latum (flat papules in warm moist areas. e.c anus).
f) Mucosal ulcer affects the genitals, mouth, pharynx, and larynx.
g) Even without treatment lesions resolve spontaneously.
h) The disease enters a latent phage.
i) May relapse during the first 2 years.
4. Tertiary stage 🙁 it occurs a year after the primary lesion). There is an active inflammatory lesion
a) Syphilitic aortitis; aortic regurgitation; aneurysm.
b) Neurosyphilis; meningovascular; tabes dorsalis, general paresis.
c) Gumma ( granuloma); heper lobatum; gumma of testes, skin, bone.
b) Congenital syphilis.
1. Infected mother.
2. Transplacental transmission of Treponema Pallidum to the baby in the uterus or during birth.
3. Newborns baby will typically not develop a primary syphilis chancer but may present with signs of secondary syphilis (generalized body rash; syphilitic rhinitis.
4. If non-treated (Miscarriage; premature birth; stillbirths or death in newborn).
5. If non-treated but symptoms develop later (fever; rash; an enlarged liver and spleen; skeletal abnormalities; Hutchinson’s teeth; deafness; prominence of the brow rings; hard palate; interstitial keratitis; protruding mandible; saddle nose; short maxilla; narrowing of the little finger; musculoskeletal deformities; pseudoparalysis.
6. If untreated Homoeopathically during pregnancy of the mother congenital deformity may result in children.