Indicating symptoms of the female reproductive system of sycotic miasm: 1. Clinical: • All varieties of sexual and pelvic disorders (including PID) come under the purview of sycosis. • Genital warts; uterine fibroid; polyps; ovarian tumors and malignancy where the tumor is encapsulated. • PolycysticRead more
Indicating symptoms of the female reproductive system of sycotic miasm:
1. Clinical:
• All varieties of sexual and pelvic disorders (including PID) come under the purview of sycosis.
• Genital warts; uterine fibroid; polyps; ovarian tumors and malignancy where the tumor is encapsulated.
• Polycystic ovarian disease and endometriosis are all sycotic.
• Leucorrhoea of fish brine odor.
• Ectopic pregnancy.
• Sterility or infertility from hormonal imbalance.
2. Menstruation:
• Itching pudenda, pruritus vulvae, mastodynia, and polyuria during menses.
• Fish brine odor.
• The stain of the menstrual blood is difficult to wash off.
• Spasmodic, extremely sharp, and colic pains often coming in paroxysms. The flow may come only with the pain.
• Abundant and painful.
• Acrid, excoriating, and biting menstrual flow; there may be burning of the pudenda.
• Clotted; stringy and yellowish discharge.
3. Generals:
• Complications during labor or delayed and painful labor, resulting in complications for the newborn child who suffers from various disorders.
• Mottled appearance of the mucous membrane of the endometrium.
• Retroverted or retroflexed uterus, with problems often occurring right after puberty.
• Various disturbances at puberty or menopause from hormonal imbalance.
4. Sensation:
• Pruritus vulvae with a voluptuous itching result from an imbalance in the acidic pH of the vaginal fluid.
5. Concomitants:
• Mental weakness is experienced during leucorrhoea.
6. Discharge:
• Profuse yellowish or greenish discharge with a fish brine smell.
7. Sexual desire:
• Increase desire resulting in various sexual fantasies, voluptuous and a nymphomaniac state.
8. Fertility:
• Incapability to conceive due to incoordination of the hormonal system.
• PID or endometriosis is another Couse of sterility or infertility.
9. Coition:
• Hyper excitation and frequent sexual arousal.
10. Aggravation:
• Rest; rainy or humid atmosphere and changes in the weather.
• Meat aggravated pruritus.
11. Amelioration:
• Unnatural or return of suppressed normal discharge.
1. Catarrhal conditions of the stomach. 2. Right-sided. liver and region of lungs. 3. Peculiar craving. 4. A tendency to eat far beyond the capacity for digestion. 5. Chilly sensation. 6. Defective nutrition with debility. 7. Flatulence disturbs the heart's action. 8. Uterine displacement, inertiaRead more
1. Catarrhal conditions of the stomach.
See less2. Right-sided. liver and region of lungs.
3. Peculiar craving.
4. A tendency to eat far beyond the capacity for digestion.
5. Chilly sensation.
6. Defective nutrition with debility.
7. Flatulence disturbs the heart’s action.
8. Uterine displacement, inertia & prolapse.
9. Sensation of the cold wet cloth on the back.
10. indigestion worse eating and overeating.
11. Hardness and the small sensation of the liver.
12. sleep position lower limb drawn up.
13. cancerous affection; inluenza.