Women get UTIs up to 30 times more often than men do. Also, as many as 4 in 10 women who get a UTI will get at least one more within six months. Women get UTIs more often because a woman's urethra (the tube from the bladder to where the urine comes out of the body) is shorter than a man's. This makeRead more
Women get UTIs up to 30 times more often than men do. Also, as many as 4 in 10 women who get a UTI will get at least one more within six months.
Women get UTIs more often because a woman’s urethra (the tube from the bladder to where the urine comes out of the body) is shorter than a man’s. This makes it easier for bacteria to get into the bladder. A woman’s urethral opening is also closer to both the vagina and the anus, the main source of germs such as Escherichia coli (E. coli) that cause UTIs.
Others facts:
1. Are sexually active. Sexual activity can move germs that cause UTIs from other areas, such as the vagina, to the urethra.
2. Use a diaphragm for birth control or use spermicides (creams that kill sperm) with a diaphragm or with condoms. Spermicides can kill good bacteria that protect you from UTIs.
3. pregnant. Pregnancy hormones can change the bacteria in the urinary tract, making UTIs more likely. Also, many pregnant women have trouble completely emptying the bladder, because the uterus (womb) with the developing baby sits on top of the bladder during pregnancy. Leftover urine with bacteria in it can cause a UTI.
4. Have gone through menopause. After menopause, loss of the hormone estrogen causes vaginal tissue to become thin and dry. This can make it easier for harmful bacteria to grow and cause a UTI.
5. Have diabetes, which can lower your immune (defense) system and cause nerve damage that makes it hard to completely empty your bladder
Have any condition, like a kidney stone, that may block the flow of urine between your kidneys and bladder.
7. Have or recently had a catheter in place. A catheter is a thin tube put through the urethra into the bladder. Catheters drain urine when you cannot pass urine on your own, such as during surgery.
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1. Pressure and general bearing down towards genital organs every morning; has to sit down to prevent prolapsus. 2. Prolapsus uteri with aching in loins, > lying on back; cutting in the urethra after micturition. 3. Catamenia premature and profuse; or retarded and scanty. 4. Sterility, with too eRead more
1. Pressure and general bearing down towards genital organs every morning; has to sit down to prevent prolapsus.
See less2. Prolapsus uteri with aching in loins, > lying on back; cutting in the urethra after micturition.
3. Catamenia premature and profuse; or retarded and scanty.
4. Sterility, with too early and too profuse menstruation.
5. Prolonged catamenia.
6. Suppression of catamenia.
7. Difficulty in the appearance of first menses.
8. Headache before, during, and after catamenia.
9. Before catamenia, moroseness, and irritability.
10. At the commencement of catamenia, sadness.
11. During catamenia, cramps in the abdomen.
12. Spitting blood at menstrual nisus; bloody saliva.
13. Itching in genital organs.
14. Repugnance to coition.
15. Coition: painful from dryness of vagina; burning smarting during; in anæmic women with dry mouth and dry skin.
16. Leucorrhœa, with headache, disposition to diarrhœa, colic, and mucous evacuations.
17. Acrid (greenish) leucorrhœa (increased discharge when walking), with a yellow colour on the face.
18. Abundant discharge of transparent, whitish, and thick mucus from the vagina.
19. Vulvitis with falling off of hair.
20. Itching of external parts with falling off of hair.
21. Pimples on mons veneris.
22. Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy; morning sickness with vomiting of frothy, watery phlegm.
23. During pregnancy: dysuria; albuminuria; craves salt; congestion to chest; palpitation; hæmorrhoids; cough; escape of urine.
24. Labour slow, pains feeble, apparently from sad feelings and forebodings.
25. Loss of hair in children or during lactation.
26. Child refuses breast; nursing sore mouth.
27. Lancinating pains in breasts.
28. Stitches beneath nipples.
29. Dull stitch beneath r. nipple, and also in the abdomen.
30. Breasts sensitive to the slightest touch.