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To differentiate between Sulphur and Phosphorus in cases of stoop-shouldered posture, consider the following characteristics: 1. Sulphur -General Appearance: Individuals may have a tendency to stoop, but they are often robust and strong. -Skin and Scalp: Dry, rough skin and scalp, with a tendency toRead more
To differentiate between Sulphur and Phosphorus in cases of stoop-shouldered posture, consider the following characteristics:
1. Sulphur
-General Appearance: Individuals may have a tendency to stoop, but they are often robust and strong.
-Skin and Scalp: Dry, rough skin and scalp, with a tendency to perspire on the head.
-Behavior: They may be irritable, impatient, and have a strong desire for independence.
-Cravings: Cravings for sweets, spicy foods, and fats.
-Emotional State: They can be very self-centered and may have a strong sense of their own importance.
2. Phosphorus
-General Appearance: Individuals often have a more delicate, fragile build and may present with a stooped posture.
-Skin and Scalp: Pale, delicate skin and scalp, with a tendency to bleed easily.
-Behavior: They may be more dependent on others, seeking support and reassurance.
-Cravings: Cravings for cold drinks, ice, and salty foods.
-Emotional State: They can be very impressionable, easily influenced by others, and may have a tendency to be fearful and anxious.
3. Key Differences
See less-Physical Strength: Sulphur individuals are generally stronger and more robust, while Phosphorus individuals are more delicate and fragile.
-Skin and Scalp: Sulphur has dry, rough skin and scalp, whereas Phosphorus has pale, delicate skin and scalp.
-Behavior and Emotions: Sulphur is more independent and self-centered, while Phosphorus is more dependent and impressionable.