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Oral contraceptive pills can have a range of side effects, though most are mild and may resolve after the first few months of use. Here are some common side effects: 1. Spotting or Breakthrough Bleeding: Light bleeding or spotting between periods is common, especially in the first few months. 2. NauRead more
Oral contraceptive pills can have a range of side effects, though most are mild and may resolve after the first few months of use. Here are some common side effects:
See less1. Spotting or Breakthrough Bleeding: Light bleeding or spotting between periods is common, especially in the first few months.
2. Nausea: Some people experience mild nausea when they first start taking the pill.
3. Breast Tenderness: This can occur, especially when you first start taking the pill.
4. Headaches: Some users report headaches.
5. Bloating: Feeling bloated is a common side effect.
6. Mood Changes: This can include mood swings, depression, or irritability.
7. Weight Gain: Some people may experience weight gain or changes in appetite.
8. Acne: Hormonal changes can lead to acne for some users.
9. Fatigue: Feeling unusually tired can occur.
10. Dizziness: Some users may feel dizzy.
If you experience side effects that are severe, persistent, or bothersome, it’s important to talk to your healthcare provider. They might suggest switching to a different pill or trying another form of contraception.