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During pregnancy, various investigations are conducted to monitor the health of both the mother and the baby. Here are some common tests and screenings: First Trimester 1. Blood Tests: These include checking blood type, Rh factor, hemoglobin levels, and screening for infections like HIV, hepatitis BRead more
During pregnancy, various investigations are conducted to monitor the health of both the mother and the baby. Here are some common tests and screenings:
First Trimester
1. Blood Tests: These include checking blood type, Rh factor, hemoglobin levels, and screening for infections like HIV, hepatitis B, syphilis, and rubella immunity.
2. Urine Tests: To check for protein, glucose, and signs of infection.
3. Ultrasound: Typically done around 11-14 weeks to confirm the due date, check for multiple pregnancies, and assess the risk of chromosomal abnormalities.
4. Nuchal Translucency Screening: Measures the thickness of the back of the baby’s neck to assess the risk of Down syndrome.
Second Trimester
1. Quad Screen: A blood test that measures four substances to assess the risk of certain birth defects.
2. Glucose Screening: To check for gestational diabetes, usually done between 24-28 weeks.
3. Anatomy Scan: A detailed ultrasound around 18-22 weeks to examine the baby’s organs and structures.
Third Trimester
1. Group B Streptococcus (GBS) Test: A swab test to check for GBS bacteria, which can be harmful to the baby during delivery.
2. Non-Stress Test (NST): Monitors the baby’s heart rate and movements, typically done if there are concerns about the baby’s health.
3. Biophysical Profile (BPP): Combines an ultrasound with an NST to assess the baby’s well-being.
Throughout Pregnancy
1. Blood Pressure Checks: Regularly monitored to detect preeclampsia.
2. Weight Monitoring: To ensure healthy weight gain.
3. Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring: To check the baby’s heart rate at each visit.
These tests help ensure a healthy pregnancy and timely detection of any potential issues.
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