1. Constipation from taking cold; from riding in a carriage. 2. Hard evacuations, with frequent ineffectual efforts. 3. Unsuccessful urging to stool, felt mostly in the upper intestines. 4. Fæces yellow, whitish, of a very large size, soft but difficult to eject.
1. Constipation from taking cold; from riding in a carriage.
2. Hard evacuations, with frequent ineffectual efforts.
3. Unsuccessful urging to stool, felt mostly in the upper intestines.
4. Fæces yellow, whitish, of a very large size, soft but difficult to eject.
1. Constipation, and hard, knotty, and insufficient evacuations. 2. Frequent and often ineffectual want to evacuate, chiefly at night, and sometimes with pressure on rectum and bladder and pain in anus. 3. Urgent want to evacuate. 4. Stool hard, as if burnt. 5. Stool, with sensation as if some remaiRead more
1. Constipation, and hard, knotty, and insufficient evacuations.
See less2. Frequent and often ineffectual want to evacuate, chiefly at night, and sometimes with pressure on rectum and bladder and pain in anus.
3. Urgent want to evacuate.
4. Stool hard, as if burnt.
5. Stool, with sensation as if some remained, and as if the stool had been insufficient.
6. During stool, discharge of blood; pain in small of back; palpitation of heart, congestion of head; itching, burning, and stinging at anus and in rectum.
7. After stool tenesmus, constriction at anus.
8. Discharge of mucus, even with hard fćces.
9. Ejection of lumbrici, ascarides, and also of pieces of tćnia from rectum.
10. Prolapsus recti, esp. when evacuating (a hard stool).
11. Sharp and pressive pains, itching, shootings, stitches, and burning in anus and rectum, even when not at stool.
12. Burning in anus, before, during, and after stool.
13. Prostration follows stool.
14. Dull ache just inside coccyx, awful dead ache as if the heart would stop.
15. All pains seem to go to rectum, life-taking pains.
16. Blind piles with burning as if something were biting at anus, going away when lying down, coming on when standing or walking about (produced.
17. Hemorrhoids which protrude, ooze and bleed.
18. Anus inflamed, swollen, covered with red veins.
19. Excoriation and swelling of anus.
20. Much itching about anus; itching runs back along, perinćum and adjacent parts.
21. Involuntary discharge of moisture from anus, with itching in it.
22. Suppressed hemorrhoids, with colic, palpitation, congestion to lungs; back feels stiff as if bruised.
23. Constant bearing down towards anus; forcing down after sitting.