What are the medicines for disappointment of love?
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Mind; love; disappointment, unhappy, ailments from, agg.: ACON(3) act-sp agros-c alf am-c ana-i anac androc ange ANT-C(3) apis aq-mar ARGO(4) arist-cl asperg-r astac AUR(4) AUR-M-N(4) AUR-S(3) bac bar-c bar-p BELL(3) bell-p bos-s bud-d BUFO(3) CACT(3) cadm-p calc-i CALC-P(3) canth CARC(3) carch-l(2)Read more
Mind; love; disappointment, unhappy, ailments from, agg.: ACON(3) act-sp agros-c alf am-c ana-i anac androc ange ANT-C(3) apis aq-mar ARGO(4) arist-cl asperg-r astac AUR(4) AUR-M-N(4) AUR-S(3) bac bar-c bar-p BELL(3) bell-p bos-s bud-d BUFO(3) CACT(3) cadm-p calc-i CALC-P(3) canth CARC(3) carch-l(2) CAUST(3) cer-i cer-o CIMIC(3) cinis-p cinnb COFF(3) com CON(3) culx-p cygn-c cypra-e dendro-a(2) DIG(3) drim-w gali gard-j gav-i GELS(3) germ(2) glon guin haliae-lc heli HELL(3) hema-h HOCH(4) holm-c hydrog HYOS(4) IGN(4) indg iod ixo-s kali-c KALI-P(3) kola lac-ov LACH(3) lampr-s lat-h lepid lepro lsd m-art mag-f NAT-M(4) neod-p NEOD-S(3) nico-r niob nit-ac nitro nux-m nux-v(2) oci-s onc-t onos orig oxytin(2) ozon pant-t pass-d PH-AC(4) phlor PHOS(3) physala-p pitu-a PLAC(3) PLAT(3) PLUT-N(3) prot prun PSOR(3) PULS(3) quartz-r(2) rhus-g ros-b ROS-D(3) rubi-c SAC-ALB(3) salx-f santa scan sep seq-s sorb-d spect squil STAPH(4) stoi-k stram succ SULPH(3) taosc TARENT(3) tax-br tech thiosin til topaz tricy-h TUB(3) uran vane-a VERAT(4).
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