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1. General coldness of whole body, and cold, clammy perspiration, esp. on the forehead.
2. Coldness of the skin even when covered up warmly.
3. Coldness of single parts.
4. Shuddering, and shivering, with a thirst for cold water.
5. Coldness over the back.
6. Shivering with the sensation of coldness in the limbs, esp. shoulders and arms, as if ice-cold water streaming through the bones, in a warm room.
7. Coldness of the feet as if ice-water running into them, with trembling.
8. Shuddering, and cutis anserina, after drinking.
9. Chill < by drinking.
10. Fever, with external coldness.
11. Violent shivering and shaking (followed by heat and slight thirst), then perspiration, which soon changes to coldness.
12. Chilliness and coldness predominate and run from below upwards.
13. Shiverings, at first with much thirst, followed by shivering alternately with heat, then permanent heat, with thirst.
14. Fever, with internal heat only, and deep-colored urine, or with vomiting and diarrhśa, or with constipation; during the shivering, vertigo, nausea, and pains in loins and back.
15. During the heat, continual coma, or delirium, with redness of the face.
16. Heat only internally, with thirst, but without a desire to drink.
17. Heat in the evening, with perspiration.
18. Heat suddenly alternating with chilliness.
19. Fever before midnight, and in morning quotidian, tertian, or quartan.
20. Creeping running from head to toes.
21. Pulse slow, and almost extinct, or small, quick, and intermittent.
22. The blood runs like cold water through the veins.
23. Perspiration in general; complaints concomitant with.
24. Perspiration easily excited during the day, by least movement.
25. Violent perspiration in the morning, in the evening, or all night, as well as during every stool.
26. Cold, sour, or putrid perspiration, sometimes coloring linen yellow, always with deathly paleness of face.
27. Intermittent fever: external coldness, with dark urine and cold perspiration, desire for cold drinks, and chill with nausea; afterward heat with an unquenchable thirst, delirium, redness of the face, constant slumber; finally perspiration without thirst, and very pale countenance.
28. Sweat only on hands.