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1. Great anxiety and restlessness, followed by violent pains in the head and abdomen.
2. Irritability, esp. in the afternoon, and in the open air.
3. Delirium: sees cats and dogs; tries to jump out of the window.
4. Loquacious gaiety.
5. Stitches and pulsations in the head. Can’t hold the head up, or sit up. The head symptoms are > by expelling flatus.
6. Yellow discharge from r. ear, with stitching pains. There is great > by inserting the finger and drawing the parts asunder.
7. Herpetic eruption at the tip.
8. Face pale, puffed, and spotted red.
9. Tongue: moist; white coat; black feels too long. Speech slow; embarrassed. Aphtæ in mouth and throat. Copious salivation which > poisoning symptoms.
10. While eating, sudden heaviness in the forehead. Spasmodic hiccough.
11. Intolerance of milk; it is forcibly ejected almost as soon as swallowed; then weakness causes drowsiness; in nursing children.
12. Violent vomiting of curdled milk and cheesy matter.
13. Violent vomiting of a frothy matter, white as milk. This we may find in men, children, or pregnant women.
14. Violent vomiting of green mucus.
15. Violent vomiting, with diarrhœa, of green mucus, or (in children) bloody substances.
16. After vomiting, cold and clammy.
17. Swollen and tense abdomen. Colic, followed by vomiting, vertigo, and weakness.
18. Diarrhœa: stools bright yellow, or greenish, watery, and slimy, with violent tenesmus.
19. Undigested stool or partly so.
20. Loose stools, preceded by cutting in the abdomen, with tenesmus in the morning, after rising.
21. Diarrhœa: discharges green, thin, bilious, with violent tenesmus.
22. Bloody stools.
23. Respiration very difficult and short.
24. Cough, producing stunning pain in the head.
25. Swelling of glands round neck like a string of beads.
26. Eruption around the joints, esp. knee, elbow, and ankle.
27. Axillary glands are swollen.
28. Thumb and fingers bent inwards.
29. Epileptiform spasms, with clenched thumbs; a red face; eyes turned downward; dilated, staring, immovable pupils; foam at the mouth; teeth set; pulse small, hard, accelerated.
30. Spasms, with stupor and delirium.
31. Cold limbs and body convulsed.
32. Great weakness; children cannot stand; cannot hold up their heads.
33. Tettary eruptions, which bleed easily.
34. Black and blue spots, sometimes like ecchymoses all over the body.
35. The whole body may be of bluish-black color.
36. Anasarca.
37. Dozing of the child after vomiting spells, or after the stool.
38. On falling asleep, rolling of the eyes, or slight convulsions.
39. Complete absence of thirst, though there is a great heat in fever.
40. Cannot bear to be uncovered during the sweat in fever.
41. Fever, esp. in the morning, with shuddering; shuddering, weariness in extremities, internal coldness with the hot and flushed face; malaise; disposition to delirium during cold stage; sweat, after the breaking out of which the previous symptoms disappear.