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In homoeopathy, framing questions is an art. The physician aims to gather comprehensive information while making the patient feel comfortable and understood. Here’s how they typically approach it: 1. Open-Ended Questions: Encourages detailed responses. Example: “Can you describe what happens when yoRead more
In homoeopathy, framing questions is an art. The physician aims to gather comprehensive information while making the patient feel comfortable and understood. Here’s how they typically approach it:
1. Open-Ended Questions: Encourages detailed responses. Example: “Can you describe what happens when you get a headache?”
2. Non-Judgmental Tone: Ensures the patient feels safe to share. Example: “How has your mood been lately?”
3. Focused Follow-Ups: Digs deeper into specific areas. Example: “You mentioned feeling anxious. When does this usually happen?”
4. Empathetic Listening: Shows understanding and concern. Example: “It sounds like you’ve been through a lot. How are you coping?”
5. Observation-Based Queries: Uses observed behavior to guide questions. Example: “I noticed you looked uncomfortable when talking about your job. Is it stressful for you?”
This method helps build a detailed and accurate picture of the patient’s health, guiding effective remedy selection. Interesting how much depth goes into understanding each individual.
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