Tag: heart disease
Heart disease is a term used to describe a range of conditions that affect the heart. These conditions include blood vessel disease, irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias), heart problems you’re born with (congenital heart defects), disease of the heart muscle, and heart valve disease. The most common type of heart disease is coronary artery disease (CAD), which can lead to heart attack.
Symptoms of heart disease depend on the type of heart disease. Symptoms of coronary artery disease include chest pain, chest tightness, chest pressure, and chest discomfort (angina), shortness of breath, pain in the neck, jaw, throat, upper belly area, or back, pain, numbness, weakness, or coldness in the legs or arms if the blood vessels in those body areas are narrowed. Symptoms of heart disease caused by irregular heartbeats (heart arrhythmias) can include chest pain or discomfort, dizziness, fainting (syncope) or near fainting, fluttering in the chest, lightheadedness, racing heartbeat (tachycardia), and slow heartbeat (bradycardia). Symptoms of congenital heart defects in children could include pale gray or blue skin or lips (cyanosis), swelling in the legs, belly area, or areas around the eyes, and shortness of breath during feedings, leading to poor weight gain.
Heart disease can be prevented or treated with healthy lifestyle choices such as regular exercise, healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight, quitting smoking, and limiting alcohol intake. Treatment of heart disease depends on the type and severity of the condition.
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A). Angina Pectoris:- (Causation) * Lachesis: Physical exertion; Menopause; Grief – death of loved ones or past offenses. *Naja Tripudians: Physical exertion; Grief; Anaemia; Chronic Angina pectoris causing Hypertrophy of heart. B). Heart attack:- (Symptoms) * Lachesis: Pain heart; Agg.-Lying on theRead more
A). Angina Pectoris:- (Causation)
* Lachesis: Physical exertion; Menopause; Grief – death of loved ones or past offenses.
*Naja Tripudians: Physical exertion; Grief; Anaemia; Chronic Angina pectoris causing Hypertrophy of heart.
B). Heart attack:- (Symptoms)
* Lachesis: Pain heart; Agg.-Lying on the left side, after menses; Amel.- Lying on the right side. Sensation – Feeling of oppression, lying on the left side; Sensation as if the heart has stopped beating with anxiety in heart attack. Character of pain – Crampy; Suffocative feeling; Fear of death & Oedema due to heart failure. Pulse- Feeble and intermittent with sinking.
*Naja Tripudians: Pain heart; Agg.-Night & Can lie only on the right side; Pain, extending to –back of the left hand, nape of neck, shoulder & to scapula; Sensation-Sensation as if ovaries and heart are drawn together; Character of pain –Dragging, Anxiety & Fear of death during heart attack; Pulse- Slow and irregular.
C). Congestive heart failure:
* Lachesis: Right ventricular dilatation & Dropsy from Heart disease.
*Naja Tripudians: Absent.
D). Fatty degeneration of the Heart:
* Lachesis: Not prominent.
*Naja Tripudians: Present.
E). Endocarditis:
* Lachesis: Acute endocarditis after diphtheria and after scarlatina; Malignant endocarditis; Rheumatic endocarditis; anxiety in the heart in rheumatism.Pain –Spasmodic in rheumatism; Fibrin deposits on surfaces of walls or membranes.
*Naja Tripudians: Valvular heart disease in angina pectoris and valvular incompetance with murmurs.
F). Pericarditis:
* Lachesis: With Irregular heartbeat.
*Naja Tripudians: Present.
G) Palpitations:
* Lachesis: Menopausal period; Agg. –Morning, waking from sleep, sitting, rising from seat, during pains; Warm bath, warm room, warm soup With trembling; Visible palpitation.
*Naja Tripudians: From nervous causes; Agg.-Motion of arms aggravate; From talking, talking impossible, Unable to speak, walking.
H). Reynaud’s disease:-
* Lachesis: Discoloration – Blue or purple.
*Naja Tripudians: Discoloration – Blue.
I). Mind:-
* Lachesis: Dominating, Egotistical, and Haughty; Violent fits of anger; Anger with jealous and incoherent talk and anger if things are not as per his will.
*Naja Tripudians: Serious; Depression and forgetfulness; consciousness of duty to be performed but attended it unacceptable inclination not to do it and Suicidal insanity.
J). Other symptoms:-
* Lachesis: Marked sensitivity to pressure of clothes; Sensation of constriction around throat and
abdomen, agg. at night, touching throat; Patient sleeps in agg. and agg. after sleep; Dreams of death, of snakes; Rapid loquacity; Crying ameliorate pains and Pains and other complaints Ameliorated by discharge.
*Naja Tripudians: Disturbed by closeness of collar; Sleep agg; Dreams of suicide; Teary, crying easily; Is indicated in valvular troubles of heart in young persons who grow up with cardiac
valvular disease.
From the above analysis of Lachesis and Naja Tripudians, we have come to the conclusion that Lachesis is more indicated in inflammatory diseases of the heart as Naja Tripudians are more indicated in organic diseases of the heart along with valvular complications. Grief in Lachesis may produce any heart ailments as in Naja, it produces only angina pectoris. The presence of mind symptoms like Anger, Egotism, Dictatorial behavior, Incoherent talk, Loquacity, and Jealousy, if present with symptoms of heart disease, Lachesis is indicated whereas the presence of Grief, Nervousness, and Duty consciousness in patient with heart complaints is indicative of Naja Tripudians. Lachesis is confident whereas in Naja everything seems wrong.
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