Tag: gallstone
Gallstones are hardened deposits of digestive fluid that can form in your gallbladder. They are usually made of cholesterol, but can also contain calcium bilirubinate. Gallstones can cause sudden and severe pain in the upper right side of the abdomen, fever, severe pain in the upper middle part of the abdomen, right shoulder tip, pain in between the shoulder blades, and nausea or vomiting. If you are experiencing new, severe, or persistent symptoms, contact a health care provider immediately.
To diagnose gallstones, blood and imaging tests are used. Complete blood count (CBC) is used to check for infection or other causes. CT scan of the abdomen gives detailed images of the abdominal organs. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) helps to check for gallstones. If present, the gallstones are removed during the procedure.
Asymptomatic gallstones do not need treatment. Surgery to remove the gallbladder is done when symptoms present. Medications are prescribed if surgery cannot be done. Chenodiol (Chenodeoxycholic acids (CDCA)) dissolves the cholesterol that makes gallstones. Chenodeoxycholic acid (Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA)) stimulates secretion of bile, decreasing the retention of toxic bile acids.
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Homoeopathic medicines are often used to treat gallstones and the associated pain and inflammation. They can have a regulating effect on the liver, which may overproduce cholesterol leading to gallstone formation. Homeopathy also helps to control further stone production activity. However, the effecRead more
Homoeopathic medicines are often used to treat gallstones and the associated pain and inflammation. They can have a regulating effect on the liver, which may overproduce cholesterol leading to gallstone formation. Homeopathy also helps to control further stone production activity.
However, the effectiveness of homeopathic treatment can vary depending on the size, number, and location of the gallstones. If the stones are larger, multiple, and impacted, surgical intervention may be required.
In some cases, a procedure called Cholecystectomy, which involves the removal of the gallbladder, is considered the gold standard treatment for gallstones. This is because gallstones frequently recur, and once the gallbladder is removed, bile flows directly from the liver into the small intestine.
Therefore, while Homoeopathic medicines can be beneficial in managing gallstones, they may not be suitable in all cases, particularly when the gallstones are large, numerous, or causing significant symptoms.
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