Tag: elevated
The term “elevated” can be used in different contexts. In general, it means “situated or placed higher than the surrounding area”. It can also mean “higher or greater than normal”. For example, an elevated temperature is a temperature that is higher than normal. In addition, “elevated” can refer to something that is of a high intellectual or moral level. For instance, an elevated canon of great literary texts refers to a collection of literature that is considered to be of high quality and importance. Finally, “elevated” can also describe someone who has a high rank or social standing.
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A high ESR can be a sign of inflammation or infection. The following are some of the causes of an elevated ESR: 1. Inflammatory diseases: These include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and polymyalgia rheumatica. 2. Infectious diseases: These include pneumonia, tuberculosis, and endocarditis. 3. Cancer:Read more
A high ESR can be a sign of inflammation or infection.
The following are some of the causes of an elevated ESR:
1. Inflammatory diseases: These include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and polymyalgia rheumatica.
2. Infectious diseases: These include pneumonia, tuberculosis, and endocarditis.
3. Cancer: Some types of cancer, such as lymphoma and multiple myeloma, can also cause an elevated ESR.
4. Kidney disease: Kidney disease can also cause an elevated ESR.
5. Heart disease: Heart failure can cause an elevated ESR.
6. Thyroid disease: Thyroid disease can also cause an elevated ESR.
7. Pregnancy: ESR levels are typically higher during pregnancy.
8. Old age: ESR levels tend to increase with age.
9. Tissue Damage: Conditions causing tissue injury, such as burns or heart attacks, can result in elevated ESR.
10. Medications: Some medications, like corticosteroids, can influence ESR readings.
11. Anemia.
12. Blood clotting disorders.
If you have any concerns about your ESR, talk to your doctor.
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