Tag: dimensions of health
The dimensions of health are aspects of well-being that can be affected by the state of the body, mind, and environment. Different sources list different numbers and names of dimensions, but some common ones are physical, emotional, mental, social, and spiritual. Physical health refers to the absence or presence of illness, injury, disease, or chronic conditions, and the ability to recover from them. Emotional and mental health relate to the feelings and thoughts of a person, and how they cope with stress, challenges, and relationships. Social health involves the interactions and connections with other people and groups, and the sense of belonging and support. Spiritual health is about the values, beliefs, and purpose of a person, and how they relate to themselves, others, and a higher power. Some sources also include dimensions such as intellectual, environmental, financial, and occupational health, which deal with the aspects of learning, creativity, problem-solving, surroundings, resources, and work.
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There are five main aspects of personal health: 1. Physical. 2. Emotional. 3. Social. 4. Spiritual, and 5. Intellectual.
There are five main aspects of personal health:
See less1. Physical.
2. Emotional.
3. Social.
4. Spiritual, and
5. Intellectual.