Tag: dentition
Dentition pertains to the development of teeth and their arrangement in the mouth. In particular, it is the characteristic arrangement, kind, and the number of teeth in a given species at a given age. That is the number, type, and morpho-physiology (that is, the relationship between the shape and form of the tooth in question and its inferred function) of the teeth of an animal.
Animals whose teeth are all of the same type, such as most non-mammalian vertebrates, are said to have homodont dentition, whereas those whose teeth differ morphologically are said to have heterodont dentition. The dentition of animals with two successions of teeth (deciduous, permanent) is referred to as diphyodont, while the dentition of animals with only one set of teeth throughout life is monophyodont. The dentition of animals in which the teeth are continuously discarded and replaced throughout life is termed polyphyodont. The dentition of animals in which the teeth are set in sockets in the jawbones is termed thecodont.
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Generalities; dentition agg.: ACET-AC(3) ACON(4) aesc AETH(3) AGAR(3) agra aloe ALUM(3) am-c ANT-C(3) ANT-T(3) APIS(3) apoc arg ARG-N(3) ARN(3) ARS(3) art-v arum-t ARUND(3) asar bac BAR-C(3) BELL(4) benz-ac berb BISM(3) BOR(4) BROM(3) BRY(3) CALC(4) calc-acet calc-br calc-f CALC-P(4) canth CARB-AC(3Read more
Generalities; dentition agg.: ACET-AC(3) ACON(4) aesc AETH(3) AGAR(3) agra aloe ALUM(3) am-c ANT-C(3) ANT-T(3) APIS(3) apoc arg ARG-N(3) ARN(3) ARS(3) art-v arum-t ARUND(3) asar bac BAR-C(3) BELL(4) benz-ac berb BISM(3) BOR(4) BROM(3) BRY(3) CALC(4) calc-acet calc-br calc-f CALC-P(4) canth CARB-AC(3) carb-v CAST(3) CAUST(3) CHAM(4) chap cheir CHIN(3) chlol(2) chlor(2) CIC(4) cimic CINA(4) clem(2) COCA(3) COCC(3) COFF(4) COLCH(3) COLOC(4) colos CON(3) corn croto-t CUPR(3) CUPR-ACET(3) CUPR-S(3) CYPR(3) dig DOL(3) DULC(4) emer ERIG(3) FERR(4) ferr-ar FERR-P(3) ferr-pic FL-AC(3) gard-j GELS(4) glon GRAPH(3) gua guai guare HELL(3) helon HEP(3) hydrobr-ac HYOS(3) IGN(4) IOD(3) IP(4) jal KALI-BI(3) KALI-BR(4) KALI-I(3) KALI-P(3) kola KREOS(4) LACH(3) lachn lava-h led LYC(4) MAG-C(3) MAG-M(3) MAG-P(4) MANG(3) med MELI(3) MERC(4) MERC-C(3) mill(2) morg nat-c NAT-M(3) nat-p(2) nat-s(2) NIT-AC(3) NUX-M(3) NUX-V(4) OCI-S(3) olnd op(2) ozon passi paul-p petr PH-AC(3) PHOS(3) phys(2) PHYT(3) pimp-a(2) plect PODO(4) posit PSOR(3) PULS(3) RHEUM(4) RHUS-T(3) ric sanic scirr scut SEC(3) SEP(3) SIL(4) sin-n sol-n SPONG(3) STANN(4) STAPH(3) STRAM(3) strept-ent sul-ac(2) SULPH(3) SYPH(3) TER(3) THLASPI(3) thuj thyr TIL(3) toxop-p(2) trif-r tub TUB-K(3) VERAT(3) VERAT-V(3) ZINC(4) ZINC-BR(3).
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