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A chalazion is a small swelling or lump on the eyelid caused by a blocked gland. Here are some factors that can predispose an individual to develop a chalazion: 1. Inflammatory conditions: Conditions like acne, blepharitis, or rosacea can increase the risk of developing a chalazion. 2. Infections: VRead more
A chalazion is a small swelling or lump on the eyelid caused by a blocked gland. Here are some factors that can predispose an individual to develop a chalazion:
1. Inflammatory conditions: Conditions like acne, blepharitis, or rosacea can increase the risk of developing a chalazion.
See less2. Infections: Viral and bacterial infections can lead to the formation of a chalazion.
3. Exposure to air pollutants: This can irritate the eyes and potentially lead to a chalazion.
4. Poor eyelid hygiene: Not keeping the eyelids clean can increase the risk of a chalazion.
5. Chronic blepharitis: This is a condition where the eyelid edges become inflamed.
6. Seborrheic dermatitis: This skin condition can increase the risk of a chalazion.
7. Eyelid trauma: Any injury to the eyelid can potentially lead to a chalazion.
8. Immune deficiency states: People with weakened immune systems may be more susceptible to developing a chalazion.
9. Hyperlipidemia: High levels of lipids in the blood can increase the risk of a chalazion.
10. Tuberculosis and Leishmaniasis: These diseases have been associated with an increased risk of chalazion.