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An amoebic dysentery is a severe form of amebiasis associated with stomach pain, bloody stools (poop), and fever. Rarely, E. histolytica invades the liver and forms an abscess (a collection of pus).
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Difference between amoebic & bacillary dysentery are: 1. Causative organisms- Amoebic dysentery- Entamoeba Histolytica Bacilliary dysentery- Shigella species, Enterohaemorragic E. Coli, Vibrio parahemolyticus, Campylobacter jejuni. 2. Nature of lesion- Amoebic dysentery- Necrotic due to proteolyRead more
Difference between amoebic & bacillary dysentery are:
See less1. Causative organisms-
Amoebic dysentery- Entamoeba Histolytica
Bacilliary dysentery- Shigella species, Enterohaemorragic E. Coli, Vibrio parahemolyticus, Campylobacter jejuni.
2. Nature of lesion-
Amoebic dysentery- Necrotic due to proteolytic ferment.
Bacillary dysentery- Suppurative due to diffusible toxins.
3. Depth of ulcer-
Amoebic dysentery- Usually depth
Bacillary dysentery- Shallow
4. Margine of ulcer-
Amoebic dysentery- Ragged & undermined.
Bacillary dysentery- Uniform, clear cut.
5. Intervening mucus-
Amoebic dysentery- Normal
Bacillary dysentery- Inflammed
6. Types of necrosis-
Amoebic dysentery- Pyknotic
Bacillary dysentery- Karyolysis
7. Liver abscess- as a complication
Amoebic dysentery- Common
Bacillary dysentery- Rare
8. Cellular response-
Amoebic dysentery- Mononuclear
Bacillary dysentery- Polymorphoneuclear
9. Onset-
Amoebic dysentery- Gradual
Bacillary dysentery- Acute
10. General conditions-
Amoebic dysentery- Normal
Bacillary dysentery- Poor
11. Fever-
Amoebic dysentery- Little in adult
Bacillary dysentery- High grade
12. Tenesmus-
Amoebic dysentery- Moderate
Bacillary dysentery- Severe
13. Dehydration-
Amoebic dysentery- Little in adult
Bacillary dysentery- Frequent
14. Faeces-
Amoebic dysentery- Trophozoites present
Bacillary dysentery- Trophozoites absent
15. Culture-
Amoebic dysentery- Negative
Bacillary dysentery- Positie
16. RBC in stool-
Amoebic dysentery- In clumps
Bacillary dysentery- Discrete
17. Pus cells in stool-
Amoebic dysentery- Few
Bacillary dysentery- Numerous
18. Ghost cells-
Amoebic dysentery- Absent
Bacillary dysentery- Present
19. Stool motions-
Amoebic dysentery- 6-8/ day
Bacillary dysentery- Over 10/ day
20. Stool amounts-
Amoebic dysentery- Relatively large
Bacillary dysentery- Small
21. Odors –
Amoebic dysentery- Offensive
Bacillary dysentery- Odorless
22. Color of blood-
Amoebic dysentery- Dark red (altered blood)
Bacillary dysentery- Bright red ( fresh blood)
23. Consistency-
Amoebic dysentery- Loose or formed mucous
Bacillary dysentery- Viscid
24. Reaction-
Amoebic dysentery- Acid
Bacillary dysentery- Alkaline
25. Eosinophils-
Amoebic dysentery- present (many)
Bacillary dysentery- Very few