Irritable; excitable mood; ill humour; forgetfulness; absent minded; depression; moros; anxious; unable to moody.
Irritable; excitable mood; ill humour; forgetfulness; absent minded; depression; moros; anxious; unable to moody.
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Abroma augustum, sometimes written Abroma augusta, Devil’s cotton, is a species of Abroma. It has dark red flowers with a characteristic and unusual appearance. It is widely distributed in Asia. It was previously thought to grow in north Queensland but the most recent survey did not find it. The leaves and stems are covered with soft bristly hairs that are very irritating to the touch. The bark yields a jute-like fiber. The species was first described, as Theobroma augustum (or Theobroma augusta) by Carl Linnaeus in 1768.
Irritable; excitable mood; ill humour; forgetfulness; absent minded; depression; moros; anxious; unable to moody.
Irritable; excitable mood; ill humour; forgetfulness; absent minded; depression; moros; anxious; unable to moody.
See lessProfuse urination both day and night; passage of urine, very large quantity every time; passes urine every two hours, of profuse quantity; desire to drink after urination, the mouth is dry and desire for drink; drink relieves thirst, drinks large quantity; the colour of urine is clear; a peculiar fiRead more
Profuse urination both day and night; passage of urine, very large quantity every time; passes urine every two hours, of profuse quantity; desire to drink after urination, the mouth is dry and desire for drink; drink relieves thirst, drinks large quantity; the colour of urine is clear; a peculiar fishy odour with slight sediment turbid at times, passes from half-pint to two pints or more of clear urine at a time, polyuria, urine of high specific gravity containing sugar; glycosuria, diabetes mellitus; feels weak and exhausted almost each time he passes urine; passes some ten to fifteen pounds or more urine in 24 hours, passes urine frequently and large quantity of passes of urine frequently and large quantity of passage of urine relieves the bladder, increased flow of urine; urgent desire to pass urine; nocturnal enuresis; gets up at night to urinate several times; the quantity of urine more at night; frequency of urination more in the afternoon but the quantity passed is less; burning sensation at the mouth of the urethra.
See lessCatamenia irregular, premature, too short or too long-lasting; colicky pain in the lower abdomen during a day or two previous to the appearance of the menses; blood is dark, clotted, profuse or scanty and pale; vertigo, nausea, vomiting, and at times hysterical spasm; it is useful both in dysmenorrhRead more
Catamenia irregular, premature, too short or too long-lasting; colicky pain in the lower abdomen during a day or two previous to the appearance of the menses; blood is dark, clotted, profuse or scanty and pale; vertigo, nausea, vomiting, and at times hysterical spasm; it is useful both in dysmenorrhoea and amenorrhoea painful menses due to tending of the uterus, worse before menses; leucorrhoea, profuse of whitish, thin or watery discharges in thin, sickly-looking young girls.
See lessAppetite: Unnatural appetite, insatiable hunger; can eat again a little after eating a good meal, desire for sweets; burning thirst; nothing seems to satisfy the hunger. Stomach: Hungry with faint feeling- the desire for all kinds of food, sweets, acids, fish and meat, rice, bread; not satisfied witRead more
Unnatural appetite, insatiable hunger; can eat again a little after eating a good meal, desire for sweets; burning thirst; nothing seems to satisfy the hunger.
Hungry with faint feeling- the desire for all kinds of food, sweets, acids, fish and meat, rice, bread; not satisfied with eating; not much dyspeptic symptoms, no cructation, no heat-burn, no acidity or fullness of the stomach, can eat at any hour; great relish for liquids, thirst for a large quantity of water during fever, no dislike for solid food. Feeling of weakness when hungry; enjoys meal well. Frequent desire to eat; a feeling of emptiness of stomach, the food does seem to stay long in the stomach; nausea worse during menses.
Flatulence with the heaviness of the abdomen, distension of the abdomen; pain in the abdomen during the peristalsis, free passage of flatus; colicky pain in the abdomen, better passing stool; pain in umbilical region, pain in the lower abdomen, worse walking.
Constipation, stool brown-black, hard, dry, knotty, and frothy. Stool passes with straining.
Coryza thin, watery cough dry, with pain in the chest, cough worse in the evening and night; cough with purulent expectoration and pain in the chest. Cold air excites cough; expectoration is free; coughing causes pain in the chest; side pain has to hold his chest when coughing; bronchitis, broncho-pRead more
Coryza thin, watery cough dry, with pain in the chest, cough worse in the evening and night; cough with purulent expectoration and pain in the chest. Cold air excites cough; expectoration is free; coughing causes pain in the chest; side pain has to hold his chest when coughing; bronchitis, broncho-pneumonia with a good deal of expectoration; the sputum is whitish, yellowish, and lumpy. Hurried respiration, sinking feeling in the chest. Difficulty in breathing worse from exertion.
See lessFree flow of urine, the rawness of the orifice of the urethra, soreness of the prepuce caused by the passage of excessive sugar in the urine; smarting and violent itching of the part; absence of sexual desire, inability to coition, extreme exhaustion after coition; weakness of sexual organs, swellinRead more
Free flow of urine, the rawness of the orifice of the urethra, soreness of the prepuce caused by the passage of excessive sugar in the urine; smarting and violent itching of the part; absence of sexual desire, inability to coition, extreme exhaustion after coition; weakness of sexual organs, swelling of testes, hanging of the testes.
See lessDryness of the mouth, almost constant, with desire for drinking large quantities of cold water; excessive thirst, drinking does not relieve it, tongue clean and very dry; whole of the buccal cavity is dry; speech very feeble and indistinct, frequent desire to drink liquids; insatiable thirst; lips dRead more
Dryness of the mouth, almost constant, with desire for drinking large quantities of cold water; excessive thirst, drinking does not relieve it, tongue clean and very dry; whole of the buccal cavity is dry; speech very feeble and indistinct, frequent desire to drink liquids; insatiable thirst; lips dry and pale, rather bluish.
See less1. Dryness of the skin, scratching of the skin; burning of the skin, disturbing night’s rest. 2. Many small boils, worse during summer months; carbuncle, carbuncular abscesses. 3. Vesicular eruptions with a tendency to suppuration. 4. Ulceration on hands and feet. 5. Abscess with itching. 6. Small vRead more
1. Dryness of the skin, scratching of the skin; burning of the skin, disturbing night’s rest.
2. Many small boils, worse during summer months; carbuncle, carbuncular abscesses.
3. Vesicular eruptions with a tendency to suppuration.
4. Ulceration on hands and feet.
5. Abscess with itching.
6. Small vesicular eruptions over the whole body, suppurating and tender.
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1. Conjunctiva. 2. Mucous membrane. 3. Urinary systems. 4. Skin. 5. Male genitalia. 6. Catamenia. 7. Metabolism.
1. Conjunctiva.
See less2. Mucous membrane.
3. Urinary systems.
4. Skin.
5. Male genitalia.
6. Catamenia.
7. Metabolism.