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1. Abortive risings, with a painful feeling of spasmodic contraction in the esophagus.
2. Frequent, and often bitter and acid risings and regurgitations.
3. Frequent and violent hiccough.
4. They want to belch, but a kind of śsophageal constriction seems to prevent it.
5. Belching of wind, which is difficult.
6. Pyrosis, < after taking acids, or fat food.
7. Continual nausea, and inclination to vomit, < in the morning, or during a meal, or after eating or drinking.
8. Constant sick feelings affecting the body here and there.
9. Heartburn.
10. Scraped sensation in the pit of the stomach.
11. Nausea, particularly where the patient feels very sick in the stomach. Waterbrash.
12. Empty vomiturition; straining to vomit (in drunkards).
13. Periodical attacks of vomiting; of food, of sour-smelling mucus, of dark, clotted blood; and during pregnancy.
14. Retching, and violent vomiting of mucus and sour matter, or of food, or insipid matter, or bile, < after having drunk or eaten, or in the morning, or else at night, and often with headache, cramps in legs and feet, anxiety, and trembling of limbs.
15. Regurgitation and vomiting of blood, mixed with clots and black substances, with cuttings, ebullition in the chest, and flow of black blood, with hard fćces.
16. After dinner (some hours after), pressure in the stomach, dullness of head, and hypochondriacal mood.
17. Colic and pressure in stomach extending to shoulders in the morning, fasting, and after eating.
18. Pressure and tension in the pit of the stomach, with tension opposite, between shoulder-blades.
19. Constrictive colic generally, with waterbrash.
20. Colic of coffee and brandy drinkers.
21. Pressure on stomach and epigastrium, as by a stone, or cramp-like, contractive, and gnawing pains; < after drinking or eating, or in the morning, or when walking in the open air, or after partaking of coffee, or at night, and often with tension and inflation of the epigastrium, oppression and constriction of chest, eructations, retching, and vomiting.
22. Sinking in the pit of the chest with craving appetite follows an overdose.
23. Disordered stomach from over-eating; from debauchery; from high living; from drugs; from sedentary habits.
24. Pain, as from a bruise, pulsation, burning pain, sensation of excoriation, and distressing pains in the stomach.
25. Painful sensitiveness in the pit of stomach to least pressure; tight clothes are insupportable.
26. Great uneasiness in the prćcordial region, as if heart would burst.
27. Sensation in cardia as if the food were stopped there and returned into the osophagus.