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In short, The totality of symptoms is a fundamental concept in homeopathy that refers to the complete picture of the disease as expressed by the patient's signs and symptoms. It is the main guide for the selection of a remedy in homeopathy, as it helps to find the most similar remedy that matches thRead more
In short, The totality of symptoms is a fundamental concept in homeopathy that refers to the complete picture of the disease as expressed by the patient’s signs and symptoms. It is the main guide for the selection of a remedy in homeopathy, as it helps to find the most similar remedy that matches the individuality and peculiarity of the patient. The importance of totality of symptoms for selection of a remedy in homeopathy can be understood from the following points:
1. The totality of symptoms represents the internal essence of the disease, that is, the affection of the vital force, which is the cause of all diseases. By treating the totality of symptoms, the homeopath aims to restore the harmony and balance of the vital force, and thus cure the disease at its root.
2. The totality of symptoms reflects the individual reaction of the patient to the disease, which is unique and different for each person. By considering the totality of symptoms, the homeopath respects the individuality and personality of the patient, and selects a remedy that suits his or her constitution, temperament, and disposition.
3. The totality of symptoms includes not only the physical symptoms, but also the mental and emotional symptoms, which are often more important and characteristic than the physical ones. By taking into account the totality of symptoms, the homeopath addresses the whole person, not just his or her parts, and treats him or her holistically.
4. The totality of symptoms helps to differentiate between similar remedies, by looking for the distinctive or peculiar symptoms that are present in one remedy but not in another. By comparing the totality of symptoms with the materia medica, the homeopath can find the most similar remedy, or the similimum, which is capable of producing a rapid, gentle, and permanent cure.
Therefore, the totality of symptoms is essential for selection of a remedy in homeopathy, as it is based on the principle of similia similibus curentur, or like cures like. The more closely the remedy matches the totality of symptoms, the more effective it will be in curing the patient.
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