Head; heat; burning; vertex: alumn aur(2) CALC(3) CHIN(3) FRAX(3) GLON(3) GRAPH(4) helo hyper LACH(4) nit-ac PHOS(3) pop-c SULPH(4). Complete Dynamics 22.5
Head; heat; burning; vertex: alumn aur(2) CALC(3) CHIN(3) FRAX(3) GLON(3) GRAPH(4) helo hyper LACH(4) nit-ac PHOS(3) pop-c SULPH(4).
Complete Dynamics 22.5
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1. Violent and intolerable rheumatic pains drive him out of bed at night with numbness of the affected parts. 2. Toothache when anything warm is taken in the mouth, during menses or pregnancy, in bed, from coffee, on entering warm room. 3. Distended abdomen like a drum, cramping pain in abdomen, uteRead more
1. Violent and intolerable rheumatic pains drive him out of bed at night with numbness of the affected parts.
See less2. Toothache when anything warm is taken in the mouth, during menses or pregnancy, in bed, from coffee, on entering warm room.
3. Distended abdomen like a drum, cramping pain in abdomen, uterus, menstrual colic, wind colic etc.