According to Synthesis Repertory, Eye symptoms may occur during pregnency : 1.Eye-Amblyopia- pregnancy -agg;during 2.Eye-Inflammation -Retina - Albuminuria- pregnancy - agg;during 3.Eye- Inflammation - Retina - pregnancy agg; during 4.Vision -Dim- pregnancy - agg; during 5.Vision- Diplopia -pregnancRead more
According to Synthesis Repertory, Eye symptoms may occur during pregnency :
1.Eye-Amblyopia- pregnancy -agg;during
2.Eye-Inflammation -Retina – Albuminuria- pregnancy – agg;during
3.Eye- Inflammation – Retina – pregnancy agg; during
4.Vision -Dim- pregnancy – agg; during
5.Vision- Diplopia -pregnancy -during
6.Vision- Hemiopia -pregnancy -agg;during
7.Vision-Loss of visions -vanishing of sight- pregnency agg; during
Complete Repertory rubrics are given below-
The rubric is:
1. Eyes; inflammation; retina, retinitis; albuminuria, in; pregnancy, in
2. Eyes; inflammation; retina, retinitis; pregnancy, in
3. Eyes; pain; kidney complaints of pregnancy
4. Eyes; pain; stitching; kidney complaints of pregnancy
1. Pains in eyes, as if in orbital bones. 2. Pressure in eyes as from a grain of sand. 3. Frequent itching in eyes. 4. Pressure as if eyes would be pressed out. 5. Shootings, smarting, heat, and burning sensation in eyes, esp. in external canthi. 6. Eyeballs feel sore, with tendency to cold sweat anRead more
1. Pains in eyes, as if in orbital bones.
See less2. Pressure in eyes as from a grain of sand.
3. Frequent itching in eyes.
4. Pressure as if eyes would be pressed out.
5. Shootings, smarting, heat, and burning sensation in eyes, esp. in external canthi.
6. Eyeballs feel sore, with tendency to cold sweat and giddiness.
7. Eyes sore to touch and feel full.
8. Congestion of blood in eyes.-Redness of sclerotica and of conjunctiva.
9. Yellowish colour of sclerotica.
10. Episcleritis shifting from one eye to the other.
11. Inflammation of eyes of various kinds with pressing and burning pains.
12. Lachrymation, esp. in open air, and when facing the wind.
13. Agglutination of eyes, morning, with lachrymation in open air, < in wind.
14. Sees better in morning, in twilight, or by shading eyes with hand.
15. Small burning spots on eyeballs. Balls seem large, difficult to get lids over them.
16. Stiffness in eyes.
17. Nocturnal agglutination of eyes.
18. Hordeolum.
19. Styes constantly appearing; suppurate.
20. Quivering of eyelids and of their angles.
21. Difficulty in opening eyelids.
22. Swelling of eyelids.
23. Pupils contracted.
24. Å’dema of the lids and about the eyes.
25. Amblyopia.
26. Weakness of sight on waking in morning. 27. Eyes give out while reading.
28. Myopia.
29. Diurnal blindness, which is sometimes instantaneous as from fainting; everything seems to be covered with a grey veil.
30. As if a black veil were before the eyes.
31. Clouded sight by candle-light.
32. Weak-eyed people who see a halo around the lamplight.
33. Shortsightedness; momentary loss of sight.
34. One sees variegated colours when there may be, only one colour.
35. Black reflections or sparks, and black spots before sight.
36. Sensibility of eyes to both daylight and candle-light; aversion to light.
37. Greenish or red halo round candle.
38. Cataracta viridis.