1. Inflation of the abdomen, as from tympanitis. 2. Feeling in the whole abdomen as if the intestines were being squeezed between stones. 3. Cramp-like pain and constriction in the intestines, esp. after a fit of anger. 4. Excessively violent colic, with incisive, cramp-like, or contractive pains, wRead more
1. Inflation of the abdomen, as from tympanitis.
2. Feeling in the whole abdomen as if the intestines were being squeezed between stones.
3. Cramp-like pain and constriction in the intestines, esp. after a fit of anger.
4. Excessively violent colic, with incisive, cramp-like, or contractive pains, which compel the patient to bend double (< in any other position), with restlessness in the whole body, and with a sensation of shuddering in the face, which seems to proceed from the abdomen.
5. Pain in the abdomen when walking (navel).
6. Colic, with cramps in the calves of the legs.
7. Colic, as if from a chill.
8. Colic after a meal.
9. The colic and abdominal pains are relieved by bending double, by violent exercise, by coffee and tobacco smoke; every other food or drink causes an aggravation.
10. Pinching, and sensation of clawing in the abdomen, mitigated by violent exertion.
11. Cuttings and shootings in the abdomen, as from knives, with shiverings and tearings along the legs.
12. Great sensibility, soreness, and sensation of emptiness in the abdomen.─Grumbling in the abdomen.
1. Loose evacuations of a greenish yellow, frothy, and of sour smell, putrid or moldy. 2. Slimy diarrhœa. 3. Sanguineous evacuations. 4. Dysenterical evacuations, with colic. 5. During the evacuation, contractions in the rectum.
1. Loose evacuations of a greenish yellow, frothy, and of sour smell, putrid or moldy.
See less2. Slimy diarrhœa.
3. Sanguineous evacuations.
4. Dysenterical evacuations, with colic.
5. During the evacuation, contractions in the rectum.