Aralia racemosa, with common names American spikenard, small spikenard, Indian root, spice berry, spignet, life-of-man, petty morel, is an ornamental plant in the family Araliaceae native to the United States and Canada. It is a herbaceous plant,
Aralia racemosa, with common names American spikenard, small spikenard, Indian root, spice berry, spignet, life-of-man, petty morel, is an ornamental plant in the family Araliaceae native to the United States and Canada. It is a herbaceous plant,
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1. Dry, wheezing respiration, sense of impending suffocation, and rapidly increasing dyspnœa. 2. Very loud, musical whistling during both inspiration and expiration, but louder during inspiration; < lying down; obliged to sit up.─R. lung appeared more affected than l. 3. When the attack was over,Read more
1. Dry, wheezing respiration, sense of impending suffocation, and rapidly increasing dyspnœa.
See less2. Very loud, musical whistling during both inspiration and expiration, but louder during inspiration; < lying down; obliged to sit up.─R. lung appeared more affected than l.
3. When the attack was over, I lay on my r. side, and then it seemed as if all the oppression and discomfort was in r. lung.
4. On turning over it soon felt as if l. lung was affected, while r. was entirely relieved.
5. Constant desire to clear chest, so that I could inspire better.
6. All obstruction seemed to be in inspiration.
7. On making forcible expiration to clear chest, raw, burning sore feeling behind the whole length of the sternum and in each lung, most intense behind the sternum.
8. After rising in the morning raised some loose phlegm easily.
9. Spasmodic cough at night, awakens after the first sleep and cannot sleep again on account of it; caused by tickling in the throat with constriction of chest; has to sit up and cough violently; sometimes caused by a feeling of a foreign body in the throat; sputum at acme of attack scanty; then increased, warm and saltish.
10. Immediately on lying down an attack of asthma.